

BloodRunner was Asia’s First Werewolf-Themed Urban Obstacle Night Race that featured a theatrical element throughout its 10km route to excite and motivate the runners. The first of its kind, BloodRunner turned Putrajaya into a thrilling series of obstacles.

As the brand custodians for this platform, we had the creative freedom to develop the brand identity, key visuals, typography and creative communications (both online and offline) for BloodRunner and its inaugural race. We also had a howlin’ good time working with Reservoir Films in Malaysia to produce the race promo video; Developing a short story about how the once terrifying image of werewolves have been tarnished by #TeamJacob and how these beasts are finally coming out of the shadows to reign terror once again.

In terms of social media, obstacle race events would normally post their obstacles online from the start to promote registrations. However, we decided to flip this “common practice” on its head and instead encouraged user engagement to earn a sneak peek at the obstacles. Obstacles were only revealed if a certain amount of Facebook shares of the BloodRunner website was achieved. The response to this little social experiment was overwhelming with 250 organic Facebook shares in under a week; 500 in 2 weeks; 1,000 in just 5 weeks. All this without spending a single dollar on social media advertising.

Brand, Digital